Returning Students with existing login accounts...

If you have an EXISTING account, your "Username" and "Password" were created according
to a standard format. Your Username was created by combining the following characters...

=> First (3) three letters of your high school name (lower case)
=> First (1) one letter of your first name (lower case)
=> First (3) three letters of your last name (lower case)
=> And (2) two digit birthday - (01, 02, 03, …31; i.e. - birthday July 9th - use 09)

Example: For Central High School student Barry Jones, born on July 09th...
Auto Generated Username
(NOTE: An 'a' or 'b' may have been added to your Username to avoid duplication.=>cenbjon09a)
Your Password was created by combining the following characters...
=> First (3) three letters of your high school name (lower case)
=> Last (6) six digits of your student ID

Ex: For Barry Jones from Central High School with a student ID 215610121
Auto Generated Password Click for details